We consider ourselves to be the 'GREEN' and responsible choice. Both when it comes to the products themselves, they're manufacturing process, but especially when it comes to the way we conduct business!
Jyder at its best
We are and will be a bunch of country folks! - we can't run from that.
Part of this is also our 'no fuss' attitude towards any problems. We believe that all problems can be solved if only we are ready to adapt the solutions to the individual situation.
Even though it is’nt farming that we grew up with, the fields and the rural tranquility have been a big part of our upbringing. This is also why we are still located right here, where the family has had roots for several generations!
Based in the small house from 1827, we are now the 4th generation of the family living in exactly this spot. At the same time, we are the 5th+ generation self-employed with our company seat located in the village of Vium.
Health first
The whole idea behind Vium Garnfarveri has deep roots, which started more than 20 years ago, in the parent company: Ruskjær Handel ApS. Here, the idea was that there should be room for both job satisfaction and poor health. Which had to be united through flexible working hours, which are adapted as needed.
Subsequently, the family has not escaped chronic illness, and the latest generation has its own health challenges, both physical and mental, which unfortunately make it impossible to maintain 'ordinary' full-time employment.
The fact that, for various reasons, we cannot work according to the same 'normal' as the majority of society, does not mean that we do not want to work! We love to have different projects going on, which we can take on when health and circumstances permit so.
The yarn came later
As you know, yarn is an old material. It is of course something we played with and explored as children, but the yarn really came into the family when Sascha was struck by a chronic illness, which forced her to be bedridden for long periods of time. Out of frustration with her situation, and as therapy to get her mind off the disease, - she started crocheting.
She has always been very perfectionistic, which was clearly visible in the crochets, which got unraveled , and started over countless times until they were 'perfect', and almost prettier than in the patterns she crocheted based on.
As is often the case with craft hobbies, yarn took an increasingly prominent place in everyday life (and the home). Later attention fell on the hand-dyed yarn, which brought a whole new level of color-changing yarn. Yarn that had oceans of color nuances, unique color spillage, and best of all yarn that could be made exactly as you wanted. - It had to be tested!
Creativity through childhood
Throughout childhood, we have always been creative in countless ways! As children do best, there have been many different areas of interest, from sandbox cities, paper cutting, and window painting, to photography and design laws. One thing has always been clear, namely that we have had an enormous urge to create! Regardless of which hobby the interest has fallen on, it has always resulted in the urge to create something from it, whether it has been a physical product or digital images/illustrations.
The dyer is born
Vium Garnfarveri created an opportunity to unite the many different hobby branches.
A perfectionist and an ADHD brain can be either a perfect or a paradoxical mix. We choose to believe that we lean more towards the first.
A brain screaming for stimuli while unable to focus on finishing one project, before starting the next, can be a dangerous challenge. But the dyehouse business manages to bring together the many different areas of interest in a way that creates a varied workflow, with enough pressure to keep you going, without burning all the energy out of the body.
After trying out some yarn dyeing, Simone (rather reluctantly) was ‘forced’ to try it. Like a real little sister, she came to steal the whole show.
Obsessed with the little chemist dreams from childhood, - completely fascinated by containers filled with colorful liquids that affect each other - she disappeared completely into the dyeing universe, and almost took over the dream of yarn dyeing.
Yarn was soon being talked about all the time, and more and more was being bought home, of different yarn bases and color pigments. The dream could hardly get too big, and the ideas for any future expansions and additions came from both the right and the left.
We soon created an Instagram account for 'Vium Garnfarveri', and also soon after our first sale. The fact that there were people who actually believed in us, and actually wanted to pay money for what we do was (and still is) a truly great feeling! Which only helps our fire burning, and fuel our passion and dream even more!
Business with consideration
As previously mentioned, we consider ourselves to be: 'GREEN' and responsible choices. We have discussed how we view it in relation to business conduct. But a huge focus for us is also the impact we have on the environment!
Therefore, all our yarns are of course mulesing-free, for the sake of the animals' health and welfare. And so that we ourselves can vouch for the products we sell.
We are also very selective in our choice of wrapping and packaging. Where we have made the decision early on to invest a little extra in that all our packages are sent in a packaging that is as natural as possible. That is why we send our packages in paper bags, which can be recycled and do not take up unnecessary space during their transport. While our labels are made from natural paper, with a minimalist design, in one colour, so that there is as little waste as possible in packaging production.
In the yarn production itself, we make an effort to reuse the water from the dyeing, and avoid unnecessary waste of resources. At the same time, we endeavor to heat the yarn throughly so that the colors are not wasted, - which also contributes to the fact that it is easier to recycle the water. As part of the final process, we always wash the yarn in natural perfume-free detergent, so none of our customers have to worry about allergic reactions due to perfume/detergents.